Peak Theatre Players Society
Since our first production in 1981, Peak Theatre Players has evolved into one of the more successful community theatre groups in the Province of Alberta. A number of creative individuals have fostered our growth through cabarets, full-length comedies and dramas, one act festivals and original works. As we have grown, happily, so too has our audience. For seventeen years we worked in the West Country (Seniors' Recreation) Centre in Sundre. As we outgrew it, thousands of volunteer hours and dollars helped bring our dream of the Arts Centre to a reality. The Sundre Arts Centre opened in 1999.
Live theatre is a passion. We are amateurs to the core and we produce theatre because we love doing it.
We advertise auditions and events primarily via email as well as in social media, posters, local newspapers and word-of-mouth.
Tickets (reserved table seating) are available on-line or at a physical location in Sundre, typically several weeks prior to each show.
Locations will be made available through e-mail, posters and our web sites
We provide a cash bar service (ID required) as well as catered food service.
Flash photography, audio and video recording are prohibited.
We meet, hold auditions, rehearse and perform primarily at the Sundre Arts Centre, located at
100 2nd Ave N.W. Sundre, Alberta, Canada.
Current Board of Directors
President: Brian Bailey
Vice President: Corynn Sande
Treasurer: Veronica Embleton
Secretary: Lisa Blackhurst
Publicity/Media: Nicole Porter/Rachel Klapp
Artstrek Scholarship
Each year, we help send one or more Sundre High School Drama Club members to Artstrek, a summer drama camp run by Theatre Alberta.
Peak Theatre Players
Creative and Performing Arts Scholarship
Each year we offer a scholarship to Sundre High School students to help them pursue creative and performing arts studies in the post secondary institution of their choice. Get information below.
Congratulations to Lily Saunders, the 2024 recipient of the $1000 Creative and Performing Arts Scholarship!
Besides being a regular participant in the High School Drama productions, Lily has been involved in Musical Theatre in Sundre for a number of years.
She is an exemplary student, presently studying at an Alberta University.
Best wishes Lily!
Over the years, Peak Theatre Players have made substantial donations to:
Common Ruin
Sundre Hospital Palliative Care
Sundre & District Allied Arts Society
Annual scholarships to Sundre High School Drama Club
Sponsorships for Theatre Alberta's Artstrek
Peak Theatre Players are a not for profit society registered with
Alberta Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs, November 5, 1981